The Law of Attraction and Empaths
An empath is a person who feels other people’s energy, emotions and thoughts very strongly. Empaths often have difficulty separating their own energy from other people’s energy. This sensitivity to energy can be both advantageous and disadvantageous to the empath.
For instance, empaths can develop strong relationships with people, learn from another person’s experiences as if they had been there, and can be highly effective in careers with others because they have a strong intuition about what others need.
On the other hand, if a person spends so much time focusing on another person’s energy, they can have very little sense of who they are. Without a good sense of this “home base” to return to, they can feel as though they are bounced around between other people’s emotions and intents.
Many empaths developed or honed a heightened sense of others energy because they grew up in difficult situations and felt it necessary to be aware of how others were feeling to try to predict what they might do. Sometimes empaths do not know how to connect with their own source and find power within themselves.
Learning to make your connection with yourself a priority is an act of power, of self-love, and of righting an imbalance that may have existed for a long time.
This journey is well worth the effort. The purpose is not to lose the skill of heightened sensitivity to energy, but to rather learn to focus on others only when it is beneficial, rather than as a default setting.
There are three things you can focus on to help yourself move out of the cycle of tuning yourself to others, which will allow you to become who you are meant to be in the world instead. The following steps are helpful for ANYONE to focus on, but we have found they are VITAL for empaths who want to develop a stronger sense of self.
1 – Connect with Source/ Your Inner Self. Meditation is valuable for this, as well as other strategies which help you become aware of your inner power. This is the first step towards paving your own way in the world.
2 – Understand who you are and your value in the world. Show yourself how much you matter by working with the law of attraction. The practice of asking for and allowing yourself to receive from Source over and over, can gradually help you prove your self-worth to yourself.
3 – Learn How to Stay Connected to Yourself Around Other People. Learning to listen to yourself and FOLLOWING THROUGH with the insights you receive is the key to becoming a skilled and effective empath. This is the most important step – understanding your insights are more important than people-pleasing or being liked by others.