The Law of Attraction and Source

To fully work with the law of attraction you need to understand your connection with your inner source. The law of attraction deals with energy and Source is your natural energy.

Source is the energy that is the universe, created the universe and is still creating the universe. We call this energy many names - Source, The Universe, All-That-Is, God, your inner being or inner self.

Everything in the universe, including yourself, is a part of Source. At the same time, Source exists as an entity with its own intents, feelings, and identity.

Source exists in a vibration or energy that is essentially the same as full and complete love. It is compassion, understanding, joy, and wisdom all rolled into one. At the core THAT is who YOU are. You can never be truly separated from that identity, although you can forget this at times, and it can feel as though you are separate.

Before birth you were energetic being without a physical body. Around the time of birth, you focused some of that energy towards a physical body to experience the world through the five senses. Despite connecting yourself with this physical body, you are still primarily an energetic being. As an energetic being you are, like Source, a creator. And you create through the focus of your energy.

While in a physical body, it can become easy to focus on the things you don’t want, and to start creating more of those things. That is why knowing the natural energy of Source is so important. Because returning to that energy will bring you back to focus on what you love and want.

Source is your set-point, your home-base, and the natural vibration you can ALWAYS return to, no matter how confused you are or how lost you feel. This vibration is not something you have to develop, but rather something that is inside of you. In that place of being your true self and connecting with Source, that is where you feel the love and acceptance you need to feel whole again.

It is also where you will receive the knowledge to help you make the best decisions for yourself, which will move you towards the life you want to create. 

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